When intense Wisconsin storms strike, causing tree damage to your home or business, it's crucial to get professional emergency tree service fast; Potter's Tree Service is here to help! Contact us any time of the day or night at 262-780-4800 for prompt and experienced service.
Our professional arborists understand that emergencies don't happen on a schedule, which is why we are on call 24 hours a day to clear what's blocking your path. We have the expert knowledge needed to evaluate the situation and design a safe removal process that protects your family and property. We even provide stump grinding to ensure no unsightly mess is left behind after your emergency tree removal.
Some trees are too old to stand any longer. Sometimes their roots are severed, unestablished, or too shallow, making them susceptible to toppling in high winds. Even if an entire trunk doesn't fall, large, weak branches can break and cause hazardous situations due to heavy snow or high winds. Constantly wet root systems, such as those at the bottom of hills, are also more likely to fall.
No matter the reason for a fallen tree or branch, the result can be dangerous at worst and cause inconvenient blocking of your driveway at best. Even worse, trees never fall at a convenient time, which is why it's essential to keep a company such as ours on call for 24-hour tree removal. Our trained, knowledgeable professionals will assess the situation and handle the problem as quickly as possible to give you peace of mind.
We are here to help! Call our reliable emergency tree team at 262-780-4800, and we will come to your quickly and safely remove dangerous branches or trees after a storm.
Address: New Berlin, WI | Phone: 262-780-4800
Email: wspotter@aol.com
Business Hours
24-hour emergency